Before you start your flight in earnest, we have included various features in the A32NX that assist in configuring the aircraft and in-flight support. Some of these features require the aircraft to be powered on. Additionally, these guides will be linked in the appropriate locations throughout the beginner guide.
Nav Data
The AIRAC cycle (nav data version) of MSFS's nav data is updated during MSFS's regular sim updates. It's important to take stock of what AIRAC cycle you are currently using for your flight planning and if it matches the current AIRAC cycle in MSFS. When using simBrief or other planning tools with older AIRAC cycles you may encounter NOT IN DATABASE
, AWY/WPT Mismatch
OR the flight plan import may fail due to outdated/incorrect AIRAC cycle.
Owning a Navigraph subscription gives you access to their standalone nav data addon for MSFS that pairs with their simBrief flight planning. It will provide you with an up-to-date AIRAC alongside any revisions, and ensure compatibility when importing from simBrief or planning your flight manually.
Flight Planning
We highly recommend not using the built-in MSFS flight planner (World Map). We recommend using SimBrief as it is a great resource that provides routing and other information to successfully plan your flight.
You can choose to use other software/websites to plan your route but when using simBrief we have a handy import feature as seen in the next section. Additionally, other tools often don't have the most current nav data AIRAC cycle available.
Important Links for Flight Planning
- SimBrief Website (Flight Planning)
- Little Nav Map (Flight Planning and Charts)
- ChartFox (Charts)
- Navigraph (Flight Planning and Charts) Requires Subscription
- See our Custom Flight Management System page and the special notes section when using our development version of the aircraft.
Flight Plan Import
If you wish to expedite the process of inputting your flight plan on the MCDU we have incorporated a simBrief import function on the MCDU. Our EFB can also display your generated OFP within MSFS.
Manual Flight Planning
The Flight Plan Section in the "Preparing the MCDU" guide contains a sample routing to showcase how to input your waypoints, departure SID, and arrival STAR / procedure.
Flight Plan Discontinuities
When inputting your flight plan into the MCDU, discontinuities appearing is an intended feature. The page below describes how to handle these when encountered during your preflight preparations.
Payload Management
In order to configure your aircraft we have provided options onboard the aircraft to load fuel and passengers / baggage. Please be aware there may be differences between the Stable version and Development versions. See the following page and note any advisories.
EFB Navigraph Charts
To help with navigation during your flight our flyPad EFB can connect to your Navigraph account to provide access to all the enroute charts for your flight!